Back for a LIMITED time. You can now own one of each FFM variant!
Like the Fancy Flat Robs, the new Fancy Flat Matts will bounce around every 12 hours or when captured. Fancy Flat Matts will bounce to Flat Matts, Red Colored Virtuals* (specified below), and an additional other type based on the variant! See the blog for all of the official details.
Bounces to:
- Flat Matt Munzees
- Sports Stadium Places Munzees
- Virtual Bittersweet Munzees
- Virtual Red Orange Munzees
- Virtual Scarlet Munzees
- Virtual Red Munzees
- Virtual Brick Red Munzees
- Virtual Mahogany Munzees
All Fancy Flat Matts will have the same point values, though there will be a random distribution of Cap and CapOn points.
- Deploy: 500 points
- Capture: 200-300 points (random)
- CapOn: 50-100 points (random)
You can find all of the details about the Fancy Flat Robs on the the Munzee Blog.