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Munzee Mecca 2025 Garden Pin

  • Sale
  • $2.25
  • Regular price $4

There are four options for this product, one for each layer of the map.

You are purchasing ONE virtual (random color)*    SOLD OUT
You are purchasing ONE flat (random selection)     Quite a few remain (100+)
You are purchasing THREE temporary **   SOLD OUT
You are purchasing SEVEN cards (random selection) ***    SOLD OUT

These Munzees will be auto-deployed for you in a highly sought after location near the 2025 Munzee Mecca events in Lakeland, Florida - Jan 16-19, 2025. This location will be visited by future players as well thanks to the large number of deploys in the area.

There are no limits in place for this product.


*ONE lucky player will receive the Virtual Garden POI instead of their Virtual purchase (this allows for daily capons).

**Only 1 Temporary will be auto-deployed. The other 2 will be manually deployed by MHQ during the same business day.

***Only 1 Greeting Card will be auto-deployed. The other 6 will be manually deployed by MHQ during the same business day.