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  • Sale
  • $10
  • Regular price $12

The MunzShroom is a temporary POB that will remain on the map until 23:59 MHQ on January 31, 2026. You can purchase 1 MunzShroom every 28 days (to the minute).

Grow your MunzShrooms and earn skins by completing the previous month's activity streak. You can change the skin on the MunzShroom at any point as long as you have earned it.


  • MunzShroom
    • Deploy: 500
    • Capture: 250
    • CapOn: 150
  • Upgraded (skinned) MunzShroom
    • Capture: 250
    • CapOn: 300

Read ALL the info on our release blog: https://www.munzeeblog.com/munzshrooms

The price of this product decreases by ONE dollar each month, on the 1st of the month (at some point during the day on the 1st).

You will earn a permanent MunzShroom to keep in 2026 if you purchase at least 8 throughout the course of 2025.