You will receive:
- 1 S33DL1N9 Mech auto-deployed on your account
- 1 S33DL1N9 Blueprint
Mech details:
S33DL1N9 - evolves after 7 caps
- 7 Cogs to rebuild
- Deploy: 533
- Capture: 150
- CapOn: 33-40
SPR0U7 - evolves after 5 caps
- Capture: 250
- CapOn: 70-100
- Capture: 250
7UL1P or BL0SS0M or ??? - expires after 3 caps
- Deploy: 10
- Capture: 300
- CapOn: 100
- Wilted (5th Cap): 500
- Wilted (5th CapOn): 100-150
- Scatters: 1-3 PETALs
Which flower will you evolve? Find out more details in the blog here: